So - I'm trying to reach out to more of our customers...
I have been doing some broader studying and have learned that some of my customers just might not be the typical home sewer. But all people can be considered fabric users. Here is a brief list of what we consider "our customers."
Restaurant Owner
Hospital supply person
Small Manufacturer
AND many, many more...
By definition, a "fabric user," does not have to be a home sewer. A fabric sewer can also staple, glue, or velcro fabrics to get that desired look.
Remember there are many, many different types of fabrics out there: cottons, denims, knits, satins, fabrics that are shiny, fabrics that are oh sooo soft, fabrics that are strong like home dec fabrics, vinyls, and canvas. There are also soft baby fabrics. My favorites are those fabrics that are bright and cheery, fabrics that go "BLING."
What I'm letting each of you know is that you don't have to be a sewer to love fabrics. Fabrics have oh so many multi purposes. In my last house I didn't sew, but stapled my drapry to a board, and hung them. They were very modern, and very cool. All I did to get my idea was to look through a few magazines.
I'm hoping that you ladies (and men too) who don't know how to sew, or don't feel confident doing so - you can still put something together with fabric. I have many students who are excited to put together something new, and have never sewn a straight line on a sewing machine before.
That being said, here are a few sewing, yes sewing, projects that take no previous sewing skill, and very little instruction. Guess what??? No more excuses! At Sally's Fabrics we even rent sewing machines for in store use. If you schedule ahead you can come into to the store, rent a machine, and by paying a small fee, get some instruction on your current project. How can this be you ask? On Saturdays, we have Lola available in our "sewing lab" - if customers schedule to come, she will be there to answer your every question.
So... if your interest has been peaked, take a look below.
Okay - here is a prime example of something you can do with fabric - YOU can become a "fabric user." This picture to the left is a close up of a lamp shade done by a customer, who is not a sewer, who, cut out circles and pasted them with fabric glue all over her lamp shade, which had been worn out. Then, with some very simple training she was taught how to zig zag stitch over the circles. She did the stitching only for effect - with the fabric glue no stitching was required - so if you are not a "home sewer" feel free to recover any small appliances as necessary. All it takes is fabric and glue!
Next project -
This is a rag quilt made entirely with flannel. At Sally's we would be more than happy to help you in choosing the right amount of fabric for this project. A rag quilt is a great project for a beginning sewer. :)
And last but not least....
Okay - I know the detail on this quilt is a little hard to see, and I know it looks impossible! But wait.... this quilt is mostly hand embroidery - very easy! It can be done while watching TV or while sitting and relaxing in the car, or even while on vacation. This quilt is just one block at a time, and is another great starter quilt.
Come into Sally's, and we will be happy to get you started!
So, until next time - remember just because you may not be a "home sewer" you can definitely become a FABRIC USER!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Kids Summer Camp, Session 2 -
Okay, Okay.... I said there would be pictures for the July Summer Kids Camp projects - and here they are!!! sorry for the delay :)
I l o v e d this project! Why you ask....? I know it doesn't really look like much; but, the idea is great. This is a water bottle holder - it is lined - and it is insulated. Really, it's great. What is not pictured is its over-the-shoulder strap which sports for easy travel to games, vacations, and yes, eventually back to school. Kids will be able to have the water bottle they take to school stay cooler for a much longer time.
Onto project #2
Okay, this project is also very cool. Do you have kids that when they travel, or get ready at a friend's house, or even just have a simple sleep over, have no organization to their toiletries at all??? This convenient little bag is just the right size for headbands, ribbons, clipies, flowers, curling irons, flat irons, and yes, even make up. What's even greater is that with this project, kids will learn how to install a zipper.
And, last but not least... project #3
This was a fun project; and, I'm sure this will be a favorite. It's a friend picture pillow. I simply ragged the edges, and was able to permanently place the pictures randomly on the pillow so, that there would be no worries when it came to sewing straight lines, or applying straight pictures. If your child chooses fabric to coordinate with their room, than they can also have a decorative pillow with their friends on it. Lets hope they choose their photos wisely.... ha ha ha.
Anyway, just a bit more information, for our June kids summer camp (session 1) we will be completing three projects. June's kids summer camp runs from June 6-11, and June 20-24. There is a chance we will add one more week from June 27-July 1st as both June weeks are almost full.
In July, we will kick off Kids Summer Camp (Session 2) with 3 completely new projects, all featured in this post. This session starts July 11-15th, and is almost full. If it fills I will add an additional week - more information will be coming if that is to happen.
I am soooo excited to have so many kids who are interested in sewing! Don't forget that we will continue to be having our year round "Kids Can Sew" sewing program. If you are interested please call the store at 480-833-7201. We have even started enrolling teens.
Until next time...keep a sewin'
Monday, May 2, 2011
Kids Summer Camp, Session 1 - Summer is on it's way!
This year I am holding two week long summer camps. The first camp runs from June 6-10, and is $75.00 plus supplies. Take note of the projects featured below.
This cute owl purse is our first project, as it will take the longest. Isn't it sooo cute?? Just lift the purse by the owl's beak to reveal a zipper. This purse was designed by Sharon, one of our employees - yes.... Sharon is the same gal who designs all of our unique animals throughout the store.
NOTE: This June, Sharon will be having another animal class! Check out our website for times. Come in and make any of her available animals. The class is done in two sessions; and, you will have Sharon on hand to answer all of your animal questions.
Okay - here is project #2 for our Summer Kids camp. Isn't it fun?? Yes, it is a shirt, not a short dress!
AND, here is project #3, to be done in Session 1. Turn that big beach towel into a towel wrap, secured by Velcro. It will keep you covered getting out of the shower, tub, or swimming pool.
This is the deal though - The session only holds 8 students. Session 1 is already FULL, but don't panic, we have opened another week, from June 20-24. It's filling too - so act fast! And, sign up your child today. Only by signing up your child plus paying for your child holds your spot!
Coming soon.... Kids Summer Camp Session 2 - July 11- 15. Photos and samples displayed in the store this week!
Friday, April 29, 2011
A New Gal in Town
I want to introduce a new designer that we are NOW carrying in our Sally's Fabrics store! When visiting the "Rusty Barn" back in January, I met her and her mom - she wasn't much of a sewer when she was growing up, (or sew she says:) she just received some basic sewing lessons, and NOW designs a huge line of "ragged" edge quilts, crafts, as well as other darling accessories. Her name is Bobbi Stucci; and, we now carry many of her patterns in our store.
We have completed two quilts, currently displayed in the store. My favorite is pictured below.
The other quilt also features flowers - it is a 12 square quilt done in black n whites with some reds.
The above quilt is done in Riley Blake prints, new and old. Come on in today - these patterns move quick!
We have completed two quilts, currently displayed in the store. My favorite is pictured below.
The other quilt also features flowers - it is a 12 square quilt done in black n whites with some reds.
The above quilt is done in Riley Blake prints, new and old. Come on in today - these patterns move quick!
Friday, April 1, 2011
Needles, Needles, Needles
Okay, so I have been sewing since I was 12, and knew just "a little" about sewing machine needles - or, so I thought :)
Anyway, when sewing, did you know that you should change out your sewing machine needle based upon what type of fabric you are sewing on??? Of course, I'm sure many of you know this; but, perhaps what you may not know is just HOW MANY different sewing machine needles there are out there based upon fabric type.
So.... here is a brief, but necessary lesson:
*Universal - General purpose w/a slightly rounded point
Most wovens (and w/some brands, knits), synthetic leather, & synthetic suede
Knits such as interlock, rib knits, fleece, double knits, and jersey
Slinky knits & knits containing Lycra
*Jeans/Denim - A stiff shaft, sharp point, & a slender eye
Denim, canvas, & other thick tightly woven fabrics
*Leather - The slightly twisted cutting edge at the point penetrates hides
Natural leather or suede; NOT for synthetic leather or suede
*Quilting - A thin, sharp, long point for sewing
Cotton quilt fabrics & batting multiple layers
*Microtex/Sharp - A supersharp point pierces the finest yarns & produces quality topstitching
Fine, delicate, & tightly woven fabrics
Okay, here is a bit MORE needle information - but still VERY important.
Needle SIZE depends on your THREAD
**Needle size is listed as two numbers: 60/8, 70/10, 80/12 (just a few, for example)
The first number is the European system, the second the American system - in essence, the smaller the number, the finer the needle. As a general rule: Use the smallest needle you can for your thread. Below is a list of a few brands/types of thread and their appropriate needle size.
Mettler (60wt. cotton) 60/8
Metrosene 70/10
Gutermann 75/11
Invisible 75/11
Embroidery 75/11
Dual Duty 80/12
100%Cotton 50wt
Quilting 80/12
Metallic 80/12
Jeans/Denim 90/14
Buttonhole/Twist 90/14 or 100/16
Topstitching 90/14 or 100/16
A dull or damaged needle can snag your fabric, affect stitch tension, break threads, and cause irregular stitches.
Perhaps if I had learned these details earlier, I WOULDN'T HAVE BROKEN SO MANY NEEDLES THIS WEEK! Oh well, there is always something new to learn.
Well, I hope this has been helpful, I know it was for me. Good luck, and have fun sewing!
Anyway, when sewing, did you know that you should change out your sewing machine needle based upon what type of fabric you are sewing on??? Of course, I'm sure many of you know this; but, perhaps what you may not know is just HOW MANY different sewing machine needles there are out there based upon fabric type.
So.... here is a brief, but necessary lesson:
*Universal - General purpose w/a slightly rounded point
Most wovens (and w/some brands, knits), synthetic leather, & synthetic suede
*Ball Point - The rounded tip slips between yarns rather than cutting them
FABRIC Knits such as interlock, rib knits, fleece, double knits, and jersey
Slinky knits & knits containing Lycra
*Jeans/Denim - A stiff shaft, sharp point, & a slender eye
Denim, canvas, & other thick tightly woven fabrics
*Leather - The slightly twisted cutting edge at the point penetrates hides
Natural leather or suede; NOT for synthetic leather or suede
*Quilting - A thin, sharp, long point for sewing
Cotton quilt fabrics & batting multiple layers
*Microtex/Sharp - A supersharp point pierces the finest yarns & produces quality topstitching
Fine, delicate, & tightly woven fabrics
Okay, here is a bit MORE needle information - but still VERY important.
Needle SIZE depends on your THREAD
**Needle size is listed as two numbers: 60/8, 70/10, 80/12 (just a few, for example)
The first number is the European system, the second the American system - in essence, the smaller the number, the finer the needle. As a general rule: Use the smallest needle you can for your thread. Below is a list of a few brands/types of thread and their appropriate needle size.
Mettler (60wt. cotton) 60/8
Metrosene 70/10
Gutermann 75/11
Invisible 75/11
Embroidery 75/11
Dual Duty 80/12
100%Cotton 50wt
Quilting 80/12
Metallic 80/12
Jeans/Denim 90/14
Buttonhole/Twist 90/14 or 100/16
Topstitching 90/14 or 100/16
A dull or damaged needle can snag your fabric, affect stitch tension, break threads, and cause irregular stitches.
Perhaps if I had learned these details earlier, I WOULDN'T HAVE BROKEN SO MANY NEEDLES THIS WEEK! Oh well, there is always something new to learn.
Well, I hope this has been helpful, I know it was for me. Good luck, and have fun sewing!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Ladies Night - Thursday, March 31
This Thursday we are going to be having our "Girls Only Night" NOW CALLED "Ladies Night." We changed the name because we had so many inquiries about who was invited to come and participate. Actually, all ages are invited - from baby to age 100+! This Thursday we will be having refreshments (of course!) and will also be having two separate demonstrations. Our first demonstration will be how to make those cute flowers for your hair, or for headbands, or for your clothes. These flowers are extra special because we will not only demonstrate how to make them, but will also demonstrate how to add "burnt" edges to your's the new and instyle way to make these cute flowers.
Next, we will be doing a demonstration on how to use our in store Accu-cut machine. This machine works like a die cut machine, but is for use on fabrics. This machine makes it so much easier to cut out specific designs for your sewing project - and whats more, is it's quicker and certainly more precise! Our Accu-cut machine is always in our store, and is available for use for a minimal charge.
After these two demonstrations, we will move onto our "make and take" projects. As a customer you get to pick one of the projects shown below.-+
Next, we will be doing a demonstration on how to use our in store Accu-cut machine. This machine works like a die cut machine, but is for use on fabrics. This machine makes it so much easier to cut out specific designs for your sewing project - and whats more, is it's quicker and certainly more precise! Our Accu-cut machine is always in our store, and is available for use for a minimal charge.
After these two demonstrations, we will move onto our "make and take" projects. As a customer you get to pick one of the projects shown below.-+
The first photo above is just an introduction of a class I would like to begin this summer. Depending on any feedback I receive it will be called "Fabulous Scrap 90/10." Yes, it will involve a very, very small portion of scrapbooking - only 10%. The rest of the process will involve fabrics and yes, sewing. It will be fun. This make and take will be just a small introduction.
The bottom picture is a portable tissue cover - you know for those small tissues that you keep in your purse, or for travel???
Anyway, come to our "ladies night" PLEASE.... We would love to see you -- and
to entice you even more....all regular priced items will be on sale for 25% off (machines and software not included.) Hope to see you there!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
12 Days of Christmas - Block of the Month

So I'd like to introduce our NEW up and coming Block of the Month Quilt! This quilt is square and measures approximately 48" by 48". Included each month is two coordinating ornaments.
This quilt is great for all quilters... especially beginners who aren't afraid of a little hand embroidery - the detail on each block is hand embroidery (Don't worry it's easy!!) The program starts April 1, and consists of two blocks as well as two ornaments per month - by starting now you will be done in time to display your handiwork for the holidays!
Cost per month: $20.00
Start date: - April 2011
Monthly Kit: - Each month the customer will receive the patterns for two squares, and that month's two coordinating ornament patterns, AND white muslin for each month's squares and ornaments. Customers will need to purchase their own embroidery floss.
The monthly kit does not include the red sashing, batting, or backing of the quilt; although, we will carry the red fabric, similar to what is shown above, if you would like to purchase your finishing supplies at Sally's.
Please note: This quilt is not a class - meaning that stitch instruction can be explained each month as needed. Only monthly kits are available to sell at this time. The pattern as a whole is not available at this time.
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